Schedule the start and stop activities of your AWS EC2 instance using a Lambda function

here am going to explain how to create the lambda function to start and stop your ec2 instances in the scheduled time interval.

go to IAM

create policy

select service as ec2

action; start instance and stop instance

instance add arn

specify arn


policy name

create policy

now create role

create role

trusted entity type

use case


role name stop-ec2

create role

create a lambda function

create function

function name

change default execution role

create function

now lambda function created

in lamba write the code to stop instance

code like this enter instance id; region name; click deploy code saved

import boto3 region = 'ap-south-1' instances = ['i-0a627784fd87373be'] ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region)

def lambda_handler(event, context): ec2.start_instances(InstanceIds=instances) print('started your instances: ' + str(instances))

then click test

event name; stop-ec2; save

now see instance stopped
