Jenkins Tutorial

Jenkins is an open-source Java-based automation server that helps with building, testing, and deploying software. It's used as a continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) tool to manage and control the software delivery process.

Day 55

Launch windows instance

install git,java,maven,jenkins

Install Git

See git version

configure git

install JDK

set java path

in user variable

in system variable

choose path in system variable


verify java path in cmd

download maven

extract maven

set path

user variable

system variable

in path variable

verify maven version

install jenkins

in browser localhost:8080

go to this location to unlock jenkins

put this password next page like this

select suggested plugins

create admin user

instance configuration

jenkins ready

now create a first job

click new item

job name

execute windows batch command

build steps; apply and save

job is created

build now

go inside job

click #1

console output

see the output

Now create a second job

job name; freestyle job

build steps

apply save

second job created

build now

now goto job

click #1

console output


now install green ball plugins

go to manage jenkins


availble plugins

search; select plugins; install

restart jenkins

now configure global tool configuration