AMI-How to take AMI and Launch Instance From AMI
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What is AMI(provides the information required to launch an instance) We create AMI with apache service running. After launch AMI we check that apache running or not.
Go to instance->Launch instance
Give Name and tags
Choose Application and OS Images
Select Key pair
Choose Network Settings
Configure Storage and launch instance
Login this OS using putty.
Login this os as Root sudo su then Install Apache service yum install httpd -y
Start the Apache service httpd start
Check the service status service httpd status
Now copy the public IP to the browser. See the below result. Apache running.
Then stop this EC2 instance and Take AMI. Choose instance->Actions->Image and Templates->Create Image.
Give the Image name.
Create Image
Go to AMI->Choose AMI->Launch instance from AMI
Give Name
Application and OS Images no need to change
Choose Network settings and Launch
Now instance created
Check apche server running or not, here not running.
Check Apache server status. service httpd status,here not running
Start the service, service httpd start.
Now check the service status,here running
Give the public ip to browser, now apache server running. So working fine