Docker Images Explained with Examples
List out docker images
Sudo docker images
search Ubuntu
Sudo docker search Ubuntu
##Search image
Sudo docker search busapp
##Pull the Ubuntu
Sudo docker pull Ubuntu
##Pull the Image
Sudo docker pull learnitguide/busapp:latest
##List out images
Sudo docker images
##run a container
Sudo docker run –d –it --name myhttpd httpd
##Check Container run or not
Sudo docker ps –a
##Container run different port
Sudo docker run –d –it --name myhttpd1 –p 81:80 httpd
Now put ip in browser with 81 port
##Check ip
Ip a
##Change port no
Sudo docker run –d –it –name myhttpd –p 82:80 httpd
Now put ip in browser with 82 port
##Inspect a image
Sudo docker inspect learnitguide/busapp:latest
##run a busapp
Sudo docker run –d –it –name busapp-dev –p 8001:8001 learnitguide/busapp
Now put ip in browser with 8001 port
##Check running acontainer
Sudo docker ps –a
##View the history
Sudo docker history httpd:latest
##Take a backup of container
Sudo docker save c6b84b685f35 >Ubuntu-bkp.tar
##View the file
Ls –lrt
##load a docker file
Sudo docker load –I Ubuntu-bkp.tar
Remove a container
Sudo docker rm container id/name
##Remove a image
Sudo docker rmi image id/name
##Delete all images
Sudo docker rmi $(sudo docker images –a –q)
##Load imgae from local image tar backup
Sudo docker load –I Ubuntu-bk.tar
##run a container from image
Sudo docker run –d –it –name ubuntu1ubuntu:latest /bin/sh
##Login a container
Sudo docker exec -it ubuntu1 /bin/bash
##Create a directory and file
Mkdir India
Touch dummy
##install namp
Apt-get update
Apt-get install namp
Apt-get install curl
##Commit a container
Sudo docker commit container id
##See the images
Sudo docker images
##Give a tag
Sudo docker commit container id customimage:2:1
##Run a image
Sudo docker run –d –it –name customubuntu customimage:2.1 /bin/sh
##Login a container
Sudo docker exec –it customubuntu /bin/sh
Ls –lrt
See the two files
India and dummy
##login docker hub site
Sudo docker login
##push the images
Sudo docker push learnitguide/customimage:2.1
##Check current registry
Sudo docker info